Category Archives: Proverbs

Proverbs 31 and the Virtuous Woman

Here is a question I was asked about Proverbs 31 and the Virtuous Woman. I have found this passage to have a fairly wide misuse in the Church against women. Question: Is there a commentary you’d recommend for Proverbs 31. … Continue reading

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Psalms and Proverbs: A Question of Authorship

Part of my approach to teaching is requiring students to write questions about lectures, articles, textbooks, and Biblical texts. (Trying to help them be more Socratic in their own approach to learning). One of my students asked the following question … Continue reading

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Proverbs Gone Bad

I was reminded recently of how proverbs (both Biblical and otherwise) are often abused: through universalizing their claims to all situations. A proverb, by definition, is a commonly received piece of wisdom that seems to be generally true and is … Continue reading

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Silver Dross or Like a Glaze

I was a little surprised to find that the TNIV and NIV 2011 have reverted to the Masoretic text (partially) of Proverbs 26:23 against the 1984 NIV which followed the critical rephrasing of this verse in light of Ugaritic and … Continue reading

Posted in Hebrew, Hebrew Poetry, Proverbs | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Hebraizing Students

The results of my Hebraic influence on students is beginning to show as seen in the following proverb from one of them written in ancient Near Eastern fashion to me: “There are three things that trouble me, four that disturb: … Continue reading

Posted in Hebrew Poetry, Proverbs, Wisdom | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Esther 5-6 – The Tale Turns

5:1-8 – Esther’s Request.  After three days of fasting (by both the Jews of Susa and Esther and her entourage), Esther determined it was time to see the king.  The motif of three days of waiting for restoration/deliverance is found … Continue reading

Posted in Esther, Genesis, Hosea, Jonah, Proverbs | Leave a comment

Esther 3-4 – A Time for Action

3:1-6 – Haman…the Agagite.  Whereas the last we read would have suggested that Mordecai should have been rewarded by the king, we find only the mention of another man who instead receives honors and acclaim from the king…and this man … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Kings, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, Daniel, Deuteronomy, Esther, Exodus, Ezra, Genesis, Isaiah, Joshua, Judges, Leviticus, Numbers, Proverbs, Psalms, Zechariah | Leave a comment

The Old Testament for Seventh Graders (in Four Weeks!) 4

Life Under the Covenant – Joshua-Malachi Story: Living in the Land (Joshua-2 Chronicles) – Israel entered the land of eternal promise, but once they were in the land they failed to live according to the covenant.  The LORD rescued them … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Kings, Amos, Covenant, Hosea, Israel, Jeremiah, Jonah, Joshua, Judges, Malachi, Proverbs, Psalms, Zechariah | Leave a comment

Blessed be the One Who Grabs Babylon's Babies and Smashes Them on a Rock: A Psalm

By the rivers of Babylon we sit down and weep when we remember Zion. On the poplars in her midst we hang our harps, for there our captors ask us to compose songs; those who mock us demand that we … Continue reading

Posted in 2 Kings, Deuteronomy, Hebrews, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Obadiah, Proverbs, Psalms, Romans | Leave a comment

Daniel 3 – The God Who Saves

3:1-7 – The image of gold.  Theodotian and the LXX provide an interesting time note that is not included in the Aramaic text found in our Bibles.  They actually state that it was Nebuchadnezzar’s 18th year when what follows happened … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Corinthians, 2 Kings, Daniel, Deuteronomy, Exodus, Ezekiel, Genesis, Hebrews, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Numbers, Prayer of Azariah, Proverbs, Revelation | Leave a comment