Tag Archives: literature

On Hebrew Poetics (A Brief Introduction and Refutation)

Suffice it to say that one spends several years learning basic skills in reading and interpreting the Hebrew Bible, but then after all the “rules” one learns (whether those passed down from Medieval Masoretes or ancient scholastics schooled in Greek … Continue reading

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Literature for Ethics and Theology

“Literature is important for ethics because literature is as complicated as life itself, and cannot be decoded or boiled down. Ethical insight comes from reading it–first sequentially and then reflectively–not from trying to extract a ‘message’ from it.”* This is … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, Interpretation, Literary Reading, Theology | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

The Beauty of the Bible

The more I study the Scriptures, the more I am overwhelmed by the beauty of the Scriptures…and by the God who has inspired writers in their own day and culture to write with beauty. The deeper I dig, the more … Continue reading

Posted in Literary Reading | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

When the Bible Comes Alive

The first assignment of the semester for my Former Prophets class was to read Joshua, Judges, 1-2 Samuel, and 1-2 Kings in two different translations and give me several pages of questions, comments, and insights about the texts. They could … Continue reading

Posted in Former Prophets, preaching, translation | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

On Hebrew Poetry

For those who have spent any time studying Biblical Hebrew (BH) it becomes readily apparent that while BH prose is fairly simple to translate (as far as translation of other languages go),  BH poetry is another matter altogether.  The often … Continue reading

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