Category Archives: Ezekiel

Could It Be … Satan

I was recently asked by a friend how I might answer someone claiming to see Satan in the message of Ezekiel 28:1-19 (HERE is the passage). Here is my brief response: First, I point to 28.2 which specifically says “prince … Continue reading

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Gog, Magog, and Premillennialism

In a recent conversation about events in the Middle/Near East, a question was raised as to the potential for fulfillment of prophecy, specifically concerning “Gog and Magog”. Gog and Magog have so captured the imagination that their very mention seems … Continue reading

Posted in eschatology, Ezekiel, Gog and Magog, Revelation | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Homeless God: A Reflection from Ezekiel

The God of Israel is not the god of philosophic speculations….a god perfect to reason. He is not a god unfeeling and unmoved. The God of Israel is a god living with His people. Their lot is his lot. It … Continue reading

Posted in Exile, Ezekiel, Israel, Jerusalem, Suffering | Tagged | 1 Comment

Daniel Diet, Ezekiel Bread, and Other Drivel

“Biblical” diets seem to be the fad of late (or maybe I’m just late to this news).  There are those who are promoting the Daniel’s Diet, or perhaps enjoy a loaf of some Ezekiel Bread (I’m not even making this … Continue reading

Posted in Daniel, Ezekiel | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Ezekiel and The Message

Eugene Peterson’s The Message offers a fresh reading of Scripture that is intended not for study, but for hearing Scripture in a way intended to be comparable to those originally hearing it.*  In many ways he has done a marvelous … Continue reading

Posted in Eugene Peterson, Ezekiel, The Message, Theology, translation | Leave a comment

Susanna and Bel and the Dragon

<!–[if !mso]> st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } <![endif]–> Neither of these two additions to the Book of Daniel has come down in a Hebrew text, but instead in the Theodotion, LXX and Latin Vulgate recensions.  They were thus never included as part of … Continue reading

Posted in Daniel, Deuteronomy, Ezekiel, Leviticus | Leave a comment

Daniel 12 – The Vision of the End

11:36-39 – The king who exalts himself.  This king does have certain levels of overlap with Antiochus IV Epiphanes (and many commentators believe that this individual is one and the same), but the description does not fit as it did … Continue reading

Posted in 1 John, 2 Thessalonians, Daniel, Deuteronomy, Ezekiel, Ezra, Genesis, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Job, Jude, Judges, Malachi, Mark, Matthew, Nehemiah, Philippians, Psalms, Revelation | Leave a comment

Daniel 10 – Prepared for the Final Vision

10:1 – The Time and General Content of the Vision.  The third year of Cyrus king of Persia would place this vision in approximately 536-535BC.  This would also suggest that the recently begun work on rebuilding the Temple of the … Continue reading

Posted in Colossians, Daniel, Deuteronomy, Ephesians, Exodus, Ezekiel, Ezra, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jude, Leviticus, Luke, Psalms, Revelation | Leave a comment

Daniel 8 – The Vision of the Ram and the Goat

Vision de Daniel à SuzeBy: Stephanus Garsia (11th Century) 8:1-2 – Daniel has a vision three years after the dream of chapter seven (approximately 550BC) while Belshazzar was still in Babylon (and his father, Nabonidus, still king of all Babylon).  … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Thessalonians, Additonal Esther, Daniel, Deuteronomy, Exodus, Ezekiel, Genesis, Isaiah, Jude, Luke, Mark, Matthew, Nehemiah, Numbers, Philippians, Psalms, Revelation, Zechariah | Leave a comment

Daniel 7 – Visions in the Night

This chapter is considered by most to be the most significant chapter of Daniel and also a key chapter of the Old Testament.  There are some who have proposed that Daniel has borrowed from the ancient Near Eastern mythologies around … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Corinthians, 2 Thessalonians, Daniel, Exodus, Ezekiel, Habakkuk, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Luke, Malachi, Psalms, Revelation | Leave a comment