Category Archives: Psalms

Psalms and Proverbs: A Question of Authorship

Part of my approach to teaching is requiring students to write questions about lectures, articles, textbooks, and Biblical texts. (Trying to help them be more Socratic in their own approach to learning). One of my students asked the following question … Continue reading

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Trusting in the Wings (Sermon)

HERE is the audio of the sermon “Trusting in the Wings” (Psalm 61) that I preached for Trinity Chapel on Tuesday, April 18, 2017.

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Embrace Confession For Life

The following is a message I preached in the Trinity Bible College and Graduate School chapel today (September 14, 2016) on Psalm 32 and embracing confession for life. Download this episode (right click and save)

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Psalm 1: A Devotional for the Wise

“That kind of person is like a tree that is planted near a stream of water. It always bears its fruit at the right time. Its leaves don’t dry up.” (Psalm 1:3 NIrV)  The wise are the “happy” and “blessed” … Continue reading

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Prayers and Psalms (for Ash Wednesday)

May the Lord hear our cries! May the Lord grant redemption to the ends of the earth! May every tongue, tribe, people, and nation praise the Lord! He has forgiven us and we are forgiven! He calls to life…and we … Continue reading

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What If All Is Not Well With My Soul?

I was thinking tonight…what if all isn’t “well with my soul”? This hymn which has meant so much to so many just doesn’t seem to do full justice to the need for self-expression in grief. It can at times function … Continue reading

Posted in Death, Hymns, Psalms | Tagged | 1 Comment

Praying the Imprecatory Psalms

I have found it disturbing (to say the least) that some folks in the U.S. believe that the imprecatory psalms offer a prayer for our current president (from Psalm 109:8).  This is nothing if not disgusting abuse of the Scriptures … Continue reading

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Future Reading Plans

While this may be a bit of a stretch, much of it will actually be read by the end of summer and into the fall season.  Many folks have asked what I’m doing now with all my “free time” since … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Deuteronomistic History, Deuteronomy, Former Prophets, Leviticus, Matthew, Psalms | Leave a comment

God Is Not Safe

God is not safe! Or so I have come more and more to confess.  It was C. S. Lewis writing of the deific character Aslan that he was not “safe,” but he was “good.”  Being honest, I have tended to … Continue reading

Posted in C.S.Lewis, Doctrine of God, Job, Psalms, Theodicy | Leave a comment

Esther 7-8 – The Plot of Haman Reversed

7:1-10 – Haman Hanged.  After the second banquet, the king once again asked what Queen Esther wanted (“petition” and “request”) and offered her whatever she should ask for.  Her answer was to ask whether he truly favored her or not … Continue reading

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