Tag Archives: Question

A Quick Exodus: A Brief Response

The following question, and my answer, emerged from readings on the Book of Exodus: Student: “It is interesting that the meaning of the word “exodus” means quick exit (1), why is it called a quick exit when it really was … Continue reading

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A Funeral Twice Undone: A Short Response

I received a question from a student pertaining to burial practices in light of a strange Elisha tale inserted into 2 Kings 13. I thought perhaps my response might help others to reflect on the cultural and historical differences pertinent … Continue reading

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Psalms and Proverbs: A Question of Authorship

Part of my approach to teaching is requiring students to write questions about lectures, articles, textbooks, and Biblical texts. (Trying to help them be more Socratic in their own approach to learning). One of my students asked the following question … Continue reading

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Playing with Gadamer

“What man needs is not just the persistent posing of ultimate questions, but the sense of what is feasible, what is possible, what is correct, here and now.” (Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method [trans. Joel Weinsheimer and Donald Marshall; 2nd … Continue reading

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