Category Archives: Joshua

Irony in Translation: Joshua 1.17a

My month of December is being spent translating Joshua (as a consultant) and I was struck by Joshua 1.17a which I have translated: In the same way we obeyed Moses, we’ll obey you. These are the words of Israel to … Continue reading

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Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho

Just a fun post with a short music video because this song got stuck in my head a few days ago after a discussion of the historicity of Joshua and walls of Jericho (Joshua 6). Indeed, when the text of … Continue reading

Posted in Historicity, History, Joshua | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Esther 9-10 – The Day of Reckoning and Rejoicing

9:1-4 – The day arrives.  After all that had been done and the joy of chapter eight, the actual day for the struggle of the Jews had yet to be decided though things were increasingly in the favor of the … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Chronicles, 1 Kings, 1 Samuel, 2 Chronicles, Esther, Exodus, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Joshua, Zechariah | Leave a comment

Esther 3-4 – A Time for Action

3:1-6 – Haman…the Agagite.  Whereas the last we read would have suggested that Mordecai should have been rewarded by the king, we find only the mention of another man who instead receives honors and acclaim from the king…and this man … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Kings, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, Daniel, Deuteronomy, Esther, Exodus, Ezra, Genesis, Isaiah, Joshua, Judges, Leviticus, Numbers, Proverbs, Psalms, Zechariah | Leave a comment

Esther 1-2 – Parties That Bring Change

1:1-3 – The stage is set.  According to Adele Berlin, chapter one “portrays the Persian court in all its decadent lavishness” and “sets the tone of the book” which is a “tone of excess, buffoonery, and bawdiness” (3).  This would … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Kings, 1 Samuel, 2 Kings, Daniel, Deuteronomy, Esther, Exodus, Ezra, Genesis, Joshua, Nehemiah | Leave a comment

The Old Testament for Seventh Graders (in Four Weeks!) 4

Life Under the Covenant – Joshua-Malachi Story: Living in the Land (Joshua-2 Chronicles) – Israel entered the land of eternal promise, but once they were in the land they failed to live according to the covenant.  The LORD rescued them … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Kings, Amos, Covenant, Hosea, Israel, Jeremiah, Jonah, Joshua, Judges, Malachi, Proverbs, Psalms, Zechariah | Leave a comment

Ezekiel 47-48 – The River And The Land

<!–[if !mso]> st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } <![endif]–> 47:1-6 – A trickle from the temple becomes a great river.  The location that Ezekiel is shown may indicate where the “sea” was once kept in Solomon’s temple, but there is no mention of such … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Kings, 1 Samuel, 2 Kings, 2 Samuel, Daniel Block, Exodus, Ezekiel, Genesis, Iain Duguid, Isaiah, Joel, John, Joshua, Leviticus, Numbers, Psalms, Revelation, Zechariah | Leave a comment

Ezekiel 45-46 – Sacred Land and Days

<!–[if !mso]> st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } <![endif]–> By Clarence Larkin (click to enlarge) 45:1-6 – The sacred district.  The full sacred area would cover an area seven miles wide and seven miles long.  One section stretching seven miles long and three miles … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Kings, 2 Samuel, Amos, Deuteronomy, Exodus, Ezekiel, Hebrews, Hosea, Iain Duguid, Joshua, Leviticus, Matthew, Numbers, Proverbs, Psalms, Revelation | Leave a comment

Ezekiel 6-7 – Too Late to Repent

6:1 – Can Ezekiel speak apart from the word of the LORD coming to Him? (cf. 7:1; and see 3:27) 6:2 – “set your face against the mountains of Israel”? Perhaps this has reference to the “high places” (6:3, 13) … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Samuel, 2 Kings, 2 Peter, Amos, Daniel Block, Exodus, Ezekiel, Genesis, Iain Duguid, Isaiah, Joshua, Luke, Mark, Matthew, Numbers, Psalms | Leave a comment

2 Kings 22-23:30 – Josiah – Is There Still Hope?

22:1 – Josiah – son of Amon. He reigned for 31 years (640-609BC) over Judah doing what was right in the sight of the LORD as David had done – he was the ideal king (Deut.17:20) and fulfilled the prophecy … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Esdras, 1 Kings, 2 Chronicles, 2 Kings, Acts, Deuteronomy, Exodus, Hezekiah, Joel, Josephus, Joshua, Josiah, Judges, Leviticus, Neco | Leave a comment