Tag Archives: Love

Grace Is Life

Today I had a student that I am mentoring who mentioned something I said in one of my classes: “Grace is life”. I had said this as part of my response to a student’s sermon addressing grace, but never defining … Continue reading

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A Dirty Secret About Me

Here it is… Wait for it… I LOVE pastoring and I love my congregation and I love my community!  Okay.  So that isn’t “dirty,” nor a “secret,” but it is about me. 🙂  I have found too often when speaking … Continue reading

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Cambria: The Hebrew Poet

חבקני אם (Mom hugs me) שקני אם (Mom kisses me) שקני אב (Dad kisses me) חבקני אב (Dad hugs me) כי בי אהבו רב מאד (And they love me very much) Note the chiastic structure of the first four lines where the verb in … Continue reading

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Beyond the Historical Grammatical Malaise

One of the things which has long bothered me about “historical-grammatical” (HG) methods of interpretation is the sense that it presupposes itself to offer a “scientific” approach to Scripture.  While the methods of HG can not simply be ignored in … Continue reading

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