Tag Archives: Hebrew

Notes on Gideon and the God of Israel: Fire and Dew, Evening and Morning

The account of Gideon requiring a sign from the God who has called him to rise up as a deliverer for Israel, has long puzzled interpreters (Judges 6.33-40). Gideon receives a messenger from Yahweh who calls him to action. This … Continue reading

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Wrestling with Unicorns

You read that right. Yesterday I wrestled with unicorns…all afternoon. And not just your run of the mill mythic Greek unicorns. No. I wrestled with the Biblical variety. In case you have no clue what I’m talking about, you might … Continue reading

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Book Exchange

Thanks to Jason Gardner I will be reading a new book soon: Cynthia L. Miller, ed., The Verbless Clause in Biblical Hebrew: Linguistic Approaches (Winona Lake, Ind: Eisenbrauns, 1999). Hopefully Jason enjoys Murray J. Harris, Prepositions and Theology in the … Continue reading

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Cambria: The Hebrew Poet

חבקני אם (Mom hugs me) שקני אם (Mom kisses me) שקני אב (Dad kisses me) חבקני אב (Dad hugs me) כי בי אהבו רב מאד (And they love me very much) Note the chiastic structure of the first four lines where the verb in … Continue reading

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