Tag Archives: creation

Genesis 2.18 and the “Not Good” of Creation: Random Reflections

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Gen.2.18, NIV) Could it be that there was lack of “goodness” in God’s first creating? How might we … Continue reading

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God Forgive Us For Being Women: A Theological Response

What follows is my “theological response” delivered today at the annual meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies as one of four panel respondents to Joy E. A. Qualls’ God Forgive Us for Being Women: Rhetoric, Theology, and the Pentecostal … Continue reading

Posted in Book Review, Theology, women in ministry | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

A Rereading of Woman in the Garden: With Fretheim

I’ve been reading a collection of Terence Fretheim’s essays over the last month that have been fantastic in offering his many insights into theology and Scripture. Fretheim is one of those OT scholars who can write in a way that … Continue reading

Posted in Genesis, women | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Women in Ministry: The Spirit, Creation and Eschaton (with Podcast)

This post is borne out of a need to briefly share my view of women serving in ministry. I am an unabashed Egalitarian. I believe women (and men) can and must serve the Church (global and local) in any capacity … Continue reading

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What Is In a Day? Genesis One

I just realized I have never posted anything (other than my thesis) dealing with the range of meaning for the Hebrew  יוֹם (yom) which is often translated as something like “day”. With all of the kerfuffles (that is a specific theological … Continue reading

Posted in Creation, Day, Genesis, Hebrew | Tagged , , , , , | 14 Comments