Tag Archives: books

A Theology of the Spirit in the Former Prophets: A Pentecostal Perspective (Audio Summary Presentation and Q&A)

Have you ever wondered what the Church is supposed to do about those crazy texts of the Spirit of the LORD coming upon folks in the OT and then they go out and kill people? Or what about the Spirit of the LORD that deceives? Or what about that “evil spirit from he LORD” that comes on Saul? Well…wonder no longer (not really, but at least I offer one way of hearing these texts). Continue reading

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Book Recommendations for a Pastor in Training

The following is an email reply I sent to one of my students regarding recommendations for books as he prepares for a couple of years from now to enter full-time ministry. I thought others might benefit from this as well. … Continue reading

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A Little Reading for 2016

As I look to the coming years and what the Lord might allow me to do, I like to plan ahead what I might be able to read. The types of things which give direction to my choice of books … Continue reading

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Invest in Your Library

I love books! It is no secret. Anyone who knows me knows that I love books. But here is the deal…as much as I love books, when I first began pastoring I told myself I just didn’t have the budget … Continue reading

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On the Holy Spirit (for children)

I picked up a copy of a delightful children’s book at a rummage sale this last weekend: The Holy Spirit in Me by Carolyn Nystrom, illustrated by Wayne A. Hanna (Chicago: Moody Press, 1981).* This small 30 page book (part … Continue reading

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Bookshelf Challenge: Week 4-5

I failed to post the update last week, but I read two books for weeks 4-5 of the Bookshelf Challenge. One is on the shelf, the other is only a digital copy so it could not be added to the … Continue reading

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Bookshelf Callenge: Week 3

Sadly, I only added a single volume this last week. Andy Stanley and Lane Jones, Communicating for a Change (Sisters, OR: Multnomah Publishers, 2006). Stanley and Jones have done a wonderful job of communicating the need to be on point about … Continue reading

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The Bookshelf Challenge – Week 2

This week I finished a few volumes: Richard J. Foster, Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988). J. Richard Middleton, The Liberating Image: The Imago Dei in Genesis 1 (Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2005). … Continue reading

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The Bookshelf Challenge

So here it is. I’m doing a “bookshelf challenge” for 2014. This means I will be doing a weekly photo update blog post where I intend to BRIEFLY comment on the books I’ve finished reading that week and including the … Continue reading

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Christmas Reading

So I thought I’d share my Christmas break reading list: Thesis Reading: God the Spirit by Michael Welker God’s Indwelling Presence by James Hamilton The Spirit of Life by Jürgen Moltmann Lecture Prep: Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture … Continue reading

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