Category Archives: Karl Barth

Five Reasons Pentecostals Should Read Karl Barth

I offer this list not as in any sense comprehensive for why I contend Pentecostals should read Barth. Further, I can understand and appreciate those who have their emphatic reasons for why they might reject Barth or his writings (some … Continue reading

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First Lecture on Barth?!?

It is hard to believe that with all of the courses I have taught over the years that I have yet to lecture on Karl Barth. Though nearly every position I have held as a professor (full faculty, lecturer, visiting … Continue reading

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Grace Is Life

Today I had a student that I am mentoring who mentioned something I said in one of my classes: “Grace is life”. I had said this as part of my response to a student’s sermon addressing grace, but never defining … Continue reading

Posted in Karl Barth, pastoral | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Random Reflections on Tongues as Gifted Sign

Let’s be honest (and I’m saying this as a Pentecostal practitioner, minister and professor)…speaking in tongues is weird. I really can not get away from that. It seems illogical. It seems meaningless. It seems crazy. Paul even admitted as much … Continue reading

Posted in Karl Barth, Theology | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

A Brief Theology of Suffering: The Story of God and Man

<!–[if !mso]> st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } <![endif]–> There can be no missing that something is terribly wrong with the world.  One need not look far to conclude this.  Sin and evil; death and suffering; sorrow and loss abound.  Not that there is … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Corinthians, Eschaton, Genesis, Jesus Christ, Karl Barth, Redemption, Revelation, Suffering, Theodicy | Leave a comment

I Heart Barth

As I mentioned earlier this week Hendrickson Publisher’s made Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics available for a steal of a price.  This has lead to theological geeks, er, students finally having access to Barth’s magnum opus.  Several of the students at … Continue reading

Posted in Church Dogmatics, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, I Heart Barth, Karl Barth, N. T. Wright | Leave a comment

Happiness All Around

Several fun notes about my recent happenings: Cambria (my five year old) was home from church yesterday with a fever so my wife and I swapped.  I stayed home for Sunday School with Cam (since she teaches pre-school) and she … Continue reading

Posted in August Konkel, Church Dogmatics, Karl Barth, Midrash, Old Testament | Leave a comment

Nursery Rhymes With Bultmann and Wright

I just received a humorous reading of “Humpty Dumpty by N. T. Wright” (thanks to Jason Hood) and he further had a link to Bultmann’s reading of “Mother Goose”.  These are a little too close to reality…see what you think.  … Continue reading

Posted in Jason Hood, Karl Barth, N. T. Wright, Rudolph Bultmann | Leave a comment

Jesus Christ and Time

 I’ve been reading through Karl Barth’s “Dogmatics in Outline” (for a third time now and eagerly awaiting the arrival of the complete fourteen volume “Church Dogmatics” this coming November first) as prep for Sunday nights working through the Apostles’ Creed … Continue reading

Posted in Dogmatics in Outline, Jesus Christ, Karl Barth, Time | Leave a comment

Before You Pray…

I found it amazing to read Karl Barth’s “Prayer” and find that he does not begin his discussion of prayer with the “how,” “why,” or “what,” (as important as those matters may be) but with the answer!  This was shocking to … Continue reading

Posted in Jesus Christ, Karl Barth, Prayer | Leave a comment