Tag Archives: Glossolalia

Random Reflections on Tongues as Gifted Sign

Let’s be honest (and I’m saying this as a Pentecostal practitioner, minister and professor)…speaking in tongues is weird. I really can not get away from that. It seems illogical. It seems meaningless. It seems crazy. Paul even admitted as much … Continue reading

Posted in Karl Barth, Theology | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Am I Really Pentecostal?

Am I  really Pentecostal? I’m thinking of this in several ways because recently I have been attacked by some for (1) being too Pentecostal, and by others for (2) not being Pentecostal enough. So which is it? Or is neither … Continue reading

Posted in Pentecostal | Tagged , , , , , | 14 Comments

The Gift of the Charismatic Calvinist

It was my birthday this last week and one of my sisters, Holly (may her name be blessed forever for buying me books for my birthday 😉 ), purchased a book for me which was on my Amazon wishlist (apparently … Continue reading

Posted in Theology | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments