Tag Archives: theological significance

Random Reflections on Tongues as Gifted Sign

Let’s be honest (and I’m saying this as a Pentecostal practitioner, minister and professor)…speaking in tongues is weird. I really can not get away from that. It seems illogical. It seems meaningless. It seems crazy. Paul even admitted as much … Continue reading

Posted in Karl Barth, Theology | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Blood and Water

I have continued to be more deeply convinced that giving undue historical emphasis in explaining texts leads in a direction not normally intended by the writers of Scripture. A case in point came to mind in a recent conversation with … Continue reading

Posted in John, Theological Interpretation | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

On Theological Interpretation and Authorial Intent

I offer the following several paragraphs from my M.Div.Honours thesis concerning an essential aspect of the nature of theological interpretation: The primary intent of Scripture (i.e., the theological intent) is normative for a proper interpretation that regards authorial intent with due … Continue reading

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