Category Archives: pastoral

Book Recommendations for a Pastor in Training

The following is an email reply I sent to one of my students regarding recommendations for books as he prepares for a couple of years from now to enter full-time ministry. I thought others might benefit from this as well. … Continue reading

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Grace Is Life

Today I had a student that I am mentoring who mentioned something I said in one of my classes: “Grace is life”. I had said this as part of my response to a student’s sermon addressing grace, but never defining … Continue reading

Posted in Karl Barth, pastoral | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

A Day To Celebrate?

Today was my final worship service with the congregation I have loved and served for the last decade. And it was exactly the kind of day I wanted to share with my church family: our annual church at the lake. … Continue reading

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Another Blog Is Born

With all my new-found free-time (read with sarcasm) since graduation…I have started a new blogging venture with several fellow pastors.  The blog is titled: “Blue Chip Pastors” (you’ll have to check out the blog to discover the reason for the … Continue reading

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