Category Archives: Dietrich Bonhoeffer

To Be Human: Thinking with Bonhoeffer

What does it mean to “be human”? Have we given sufficiently careful consideration to this topic? Or have we simply made the assumption that it is whatever we are doing? Is it to be rooted only in description of how … Continue reading

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Misreading Bonhoeffer: A Response

I was recently alerted (via Facebook) to an article by Richard Weikart, “The Troubling Truth about Bonhoeffer’s Theology,” Christian Research Journal 35.6 (2012) which can be read HERE. It seems Weikart initially felt quite happy with Bonhoeffer while he thought … Continue reading

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Bonhoeffer on God in the Gaps

This quote speaks (in part) to Bonhoeffer’s notion of the world “come of age” and a “religionless Christianity” that has only spoken to God where human knowledge is at its limits. Such cannot be the case. He wrestled with the … Continue reading

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The Church for Others

In Sunday School this morning we discussed the core value of “community” as the church. We were discussing some of the ways in which our “community” turns in upon itself (sometimes in self-preservation; sometimes because it simply cannot live in … Continue reading

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Bonhoeffer on the Reformation

Today’s reblog (from a post now four years old) is brought to you by Reformation Day!

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Another Bonhoeffer Volume Is Published

IT’S HERE!!!  The eleventh volume of the sixteen volume Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works in English: Ecumenical, Academic and Pastoral Work: 1931-1932.  I was overjoyed to find my copy on my front doorstep this afternoon.  There now remains only one more volume … Continue reading

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I Heart Barth

As I mentioned earlier this week Hendrickson Publisher’s made Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics available for a steal of a price.  This has lead to theological geeks, er, students finally having access to Barth’s magnum opus.  Several of the students at … Continue reading

Posted in Church Dogmatics, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, I Heart Barth, Karl Barth, N. T. Wright | Leave a comment

One More for Bonhoeffer

I have waited a long time for Bonhoeffer’s Fiction from Tegel Prison to be released in the critical edition by Augsburg Fortress. It is finally being published this Wednesday (and will hopefully arrive by then). It is something quite striking … Continue reading

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Why I'm Done With The Christian Life

Perhaps you may be wondering why I would say that I’m done with the Christian life (which is following suit after Dietrich Bonhoeffer who states as much in the final pages of his “Cost of Discipleship”). I’m a pastor after … Continue reading

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I was absolutely elated yesterday to get my copy of the newly published “Letters and Papers from Prison” (Vol. 8 in the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works).  This is the volume wherein Bonhoeffer (I believe) has been most misunderstood and misrepresented (though … Continue reading

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