Tag Archives: theologian

Five Reasons Pentecostals Should Read Karl Barth

I offer this list not as in any sense comprehensive for why I contend Pentecostals should read Barth. Further, I can understand and appreciate those who have their emphatic reasons for why they might reject Barth or his writings (some … Continue reading

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Enter the Pastor-Theologian

There is no better place for doing theology than in the life of the local church. It is in the local church that the rubber hits the road and one’s attempts at careful theological reflection need to be applied to … Continue reading

Posted in Pastor, Theology, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

Bible Scholar or Theologian? Yes

I was asked some time ago now if I considered myself a “theologian” or a “Bible scholar”. This was in a context (seminary) where there seemed to be a fair divide among students of each focus and I know it … Continue reading

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