Tag Archives: Karl Barth

Five Reasons Pentecostals Should Read Karl Barth

I offer this list not as in any sense comprehensive for why I contend Pentecostals should read Barth. Further, I can understand and appreciate those who have their emphatic reasons for why they might reject Barth or his writings (some … Continue reading

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First Lecture on Barth?!?

It is hard to believe that with all of the courses I have taught over the years that I have yet to lecture on Karl Barth. Though nearly every position I have held as a professor (full faculty, lecturer, visiting … Continue reading

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Book Recommendations for a Pastor in Training

The following is an email reply I sent to one of my students regarding recommendations for books as he prepares for a couple of years from now to enter full-time ministry. I thought others might benefit from this as well. … Continue reading

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Misreading Bonhoeffer: A Response

I was recently alerted (via Facebook) to an article by Richard Weikart, “The Troubling Truth about Bonhoeffer’s Theology,” Christian Research Journal 35.6 (2012) which can be read HERE. It seems Weikart initially felt quite happy with Bonhoeffer while he thought … Continue reading

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