Category Archives: 1 Chronicles

Why Do We Need the Genealogies of 1 Chronicles?

I was recently asked the following question about the genealogies of 1 Chronicles (which are not typical for a verse-of-the-day reflection): “I am going through a devotion to read the Bible in a year. A part of that means reading … Continue reading

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Esther 9-10 – The Day of Reckoning and Rejoicing

9:1-4 – The day arrives.  After all that had been done and the joy of chapter eight, the actual day for the struggle of the Jews had yet to be decided though things were increasingly in the favor of the … Continue reading

Posted in 1 Chronicles, 1 Kings, 1 Samuel, 2 Chronicles, Esther, Exodus, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Joshua, Zechariah | Leave a comment