Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Question of Canon: Star Wars and the Old Testament

The following is an answer I provided one of my graduate students regarding a “canonical approach” which was asked with reference also to Star Wars “canon” in a reading assignment for a course in Old Testament Theology. I felt a … Continue reading

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Sermon: On the Nature of Friend (Bob Wadholm)

This is the audio from my brother, Bob Wadholm (PhD [ABD] Information Science and Learning Technologies, University of Missouri; Associate Professor of Information Systems and Philosophy at Trinity Bible College & Graduate School), speaking in Trinity chapel on Tuesday, November … Continue reading

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Sermon: On (Sexual) Identity

The following is a sermon I preached in the Trinity Bible College & Graduate School chapel on November 8, 2017: “On (Sexual) Identity” .  

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Our Father In Heaven Sermon 11.29.2016

The following is a half-hour message on the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6 that I preached in Trinity chapel on November 29, 2016. Our Father In Heaven

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Enter the Pastor-Theologian

There is no better place for doing theology than in the life of the local church. It is in the local church that the rubber hits the road and one’s attempts at careful theological reflection need to be applied to … Continue reading

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Praying Well

Today in our Adult Sunday School* we were discussing prayer and my mind was taken to how we as the Church might pray well. We seem to have a penchant for and pride in our “free” prayers as Evangelicals (and … Continue reading

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Listening to the Spirit…Ahead of Time

I have a friend whom I remember visiting with about his preparations for preaching. He didn’t prepare. He would simply show up to the service a little early…play some worship music and “let the Spirit lead to whatever text the … Continue reading

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1 Kings: For the Person in the Pew (A Review)

Jim West (ThD; Professor of Biblical Studies at the Quartz Hill School of Theology) has written an easily read commentary on the entirety of the Old Testament of which I have reviewed his commentary on 1 Kings. West has proven … Continue reading

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Misreading Bonhoeffer: A Response

I was recently alerted (via Facebook) to an article by Richard Weikart, “The Troubling Truth about Bonhoeffer’s Theology,” Christian Research Journal 35.6 (2012) which can be read HERE. It seems Weikart initially felt quite happy with Bonhoeffer while he thought … Continue reading

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Readings in Theology

With the proliferation of resources currently available online, there is a growing need to have access to resources which are both credible and actually helpful. Thankfully there are some who work to make such resources available (like Rob Bradshaw…and this … Continue reading

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