Tag Archives: ethics

Second 2020 SPS Paper Approved

I just received word today that my second paper proposal to the 2020 Society for Pentecostal Studies annual meeting was approved. I submitted the following proposal to the Ethics Interest Group. “Bonhoeffer Meets Macchia: Toward a Pentecostal – Pneumatic and … Continue reading

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To Be Human: Thinking with Bonhoeffer

What does it mean to “be human”? Have we given sufficiently careful consideration to this topic? Or have we simply made the assumption that it is whatever we are doing? Is it to be rooted only in description of how … Continue reading

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Misreading Bonhoeffer: A Response

I was recently alerted (via Facebook) to an article by Richard Weikart, “The Troubling Truth about Bonhoeffer’s Theology,” Christian Research Journal 35.6 (2012) which can be read HERE. It seems Weikart initially felt quite happy with Bonhoeffer while he thought … Continue reading

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Literature for Ethics and Theology

“Literature is important for ethics because literature is as complicated as life itself, and cannot be decoded or boiled down. Ethical insight comes from reading it–first sequentially and then reflectively–not from trying to extract a ‘message’ from it.”* This is … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, Interpretation, Literary Reading, Theology | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment