Category Archives: Church

What Are You Doing Pastor? Growing the Church

So what exactly is the job of a “pastor”? It would seem it is about the formation of God’s people and not about the gathering of people (God’s or otherwise). The call to serve the Church by serving a local … Continue reading

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A Brief Rejoinder to "The Mega-Problem Behind the 'Falls' of Megachurch Pastors"

The ouster of Perry Noble has led to a spate of articles and blogs including a recent article in Relevant Magazine (online) which touts the title: “The Mega-Problem Behind the ‘Falls’ of Megachurch Pastors”. The article’s author, Eddie Kaufholz, proposes … Continue reading

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Thinking Big About Pastors of Small Churches

I am delighted with the growing interest in helping small church pastors be the best pastors (and their congregations the best congregations) they can be. Serving faithfully wherever God calls. One recently discovered resource is offering a plethora of helps … Continue reading

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Pioneering Movements: A Book Review

As one who is supervising the writing of a Master’s thesis over the course of this year on the topic of church planting, I was thrilled to receive a review copy from IVP on the notion of pioneering movements. What is especially helpful about this volume is its practical application to the multiplication (and not simply addition) of those participating in the job of planting churches and the planting itself. Continue reading

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Preaching Christ and Helping Marriages

Marriage seminars and sermon series are all the rage. Churches seem to offer a regular smorgasbord of options intended to strengthen the family, but are we doing what we were intended to do? Is it the local church’s responsibility to … Continue reading

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Responding to Decline

How should the church, and we as ministers, respond to decline?  It seems our normal way is to try to be ever more inclusive (just look at many of the mainline churches in the North American context).  Is there perhaps … Continue reading

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Using the Dirty "E" Word

You know the word…”ecumenical”. At least, I always used to think it was a dirty word. What does it mean to be “ecumenical”? It refers (in my usage) to Continue reading

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More on Rural Churches

“Think Theology” has offered another thought provoking post on what is involved in rural pastoral work.  Specifically, Pastor Able Baker (in BC) has mentioned four things imperative (to my estimation) for successful rural pastoral ministry (HERE). The only thing I … Continue reading

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A Church I Can Believe In

A major issue in our western consumerist culture is that consumerist concerns are immediately applied to the way Church is viewed and practiced.  What can be offered for me?  What do I gain by being a part of this congregation?  … Continue reading

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Three Things That Keep Me in My Church Tradition

Rather than simply answer in the comments section to Dan’s post about “What Keeps You In Your Church Tradition?,” I have decided to reply via a post and offer it as my own personal answer (because I have in fact … Continue reading

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