Category Archives: C.S.Lewis

Prayer (Poetics of Meaning) – A Maundy Thursday Devotion

He whom I bow to only knows to whom I bow When I attempt the ineffable name, murmuring Thou; And dream of Pheidian fancies and embrace in heart Meanings, I know, that cannot be the thing thou art. All prayers … Continue reading

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God Is Not Safe

God is not safe! Or so I have come more and more to confess.  It was C. S. Lewis writing of the deific character Aslan that he was not “safe,” but he was “good.”  Being honest, I have tended to … Continue reading

Posted in C.S.Lewis, Doctrine of God, Job, Psalms, Theodicy | Leave a comment

N.T. Wright on C.S. Lewis

Though several of the blogs that I personally follow have already linked to and mentioned an article in Touchstone Magazine, I thought I should put my own link to the wonderful article of N. T. Wright‘s interaction with and critique … Continue reading

Posted in C.S.Lewis, N. T. Wright | Leave a comment

For Those Who Love the Writings of Lewis and Tolkien

There is a new book (July 2009) that documents the story of “The Inklings of Oxford: C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Their Friends” who met to discuss literature and to share their various writings together.  I just wanted … Continue reading

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