Tag Archives: Elisha

A Theology of the Spirit in the Former Prophets: A Pentecostal Perspective (Audio Summary Presentation and Q&A)

Have you ever wondered what the Church is supposed to do about those crazy texts of the Spirit of the LORD coming upon folks in the OT and then they go out and kill people? Or what about the Spirit of the LORD that deceives? Or what about that “evil spirit from he LORD” that comes on Saul? Well…wonder no longer (not really, but at least I offer one way of hearing these texts). Continue reading

Posted in Books, Former Prophets, Holy Spirit, Pneumatology, Spirit, Theology | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Funeral Twice Undone: A Short Response

I received a question from a student pertaining to burial practices in light of a strange Elisha tale inserted into 2 Kings 13. I thought perhaps my response might help others to reflect on the cultural and historical differences pertinent … Continue reading

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Elijah the Reticent Prophet?

I have spent a fair bit of time in the study of the Elijah texts in 1-2 Kings (and continue to work on such for an upcoming commentary on 1 Kings). One thing that keeps bothering me about Elijah is … Continue reading

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