Category Archives: humor

Wrestling with Unicorns

You read that right. Yesterday I wrestled with unicorns…all afternoon. And not just your run of the mill mythic Greek unicorns. No. I wrestled with the Biblical variety. In case you have no clue what I’m talking about, you might … Continue reading

Posted in humor, Old Testament | Tagged , , , , , | 29 Comments

Talking Smack: The Bible Way

Luke Geraty just blogged about “talking smack” in video games, which brought to my mind some of the “Biblical” smack-talk that I have found humorous over the years. Here is a small sampling: Philistine smack talk: “Come on,” said the … Continue reading

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Seven Leadership Principles From Ezra-Nehemiah

Here are my “Seven Leadership Principles (Hopefully No One Has Ever Taught) From Ezra-Nehemiah” (I’m still waiting on the book deal): (7) Demand that all members divorce any foreigners (Ezra 9-10) (6) Remove from membership anyone missing a special business … Continue reading

Posted in Ezra, humor, Nehemiah | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Addicted to Ecstasy

“Spiritual dryness is the cure for spiritual ecstasy.” * Are you addicted to the highs of your spiritual life? Do you run from church to church, conference to camp, looking for another hit? Do you find yourself longing for those … Continue reading

Posted in humor, Spiritual Disciplines | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Cambria: The Hebrew Poet

חבקני אם (Mom hugs me) שקני אם (Mom kisses me) שקני אב (Dad kisses me) חבקני אב (Dad hugs me) כי בי אהבו רב מאד (And they love me very much) Note the chiastic structure of the first four lines where the verb in … Continue reading

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Kids and Blogging

You know that blogging is making an impact on culture when the PBS animated series Arthur has an episode COMPLETELY about blogging (it aired April 25, 2011)! The gist of the episode is that one character (Muffy) goes on vacation … Continue reading

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Today's Encouraging Word

This morning for our message, we were encouraged by the following words of Jesus: So then, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:34 NET) So don’t worry … Continue reading

Posted in humor, Matthew | Leave a comment

The Beauty of the Book of Job

Ah…the beauty of the poetics of Job at last have been discovered and boiled down to the following helpful equation (courtesy of Robert Polzin, Biblical Structuralism, Philadelphia: Fortress, 1977, p.75):   Fx(a) : Fy(b) ≅ Fx(b) : Fa – 1(y)  Aren’t … Continue reading

Posted in humor, Job, Literary Reading, Polzin, Structuralism | Leave a comment

Why Amos Is a Downer This Time of Year

Today I opened my blogreader to discover that Dan Thompson was discussing (tongue-in-cheek) why Amos is a real downer to read for advent season.  I personally think he’s probably not much fun at parties either, so I wouldn’t recommend inviting … Continue reading

Posted in Amos, CEB, humor | Leave a comment

The Best of the Best at W. W. of W.

So running the stats for the W.onderful W.orld of W.adholms blog its fascinating to see just which posts have received the most hits, which countries follow my posts the most closely and other such totally irrelevant data (but fun new … Continue reading

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