Category Archives: Pentecostal

The Five Fold Ministry? A Question of Ephesians 4.11-14

Whatever gifts we have are given to us by the Lord who is making all things subject to the Father by making us (in the power of the Spirit) to be in Christ Jesus as all in all. Continue reading

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Let Your Daughters Prophesy: A Call for Women to Preach

I believe part of the issue in our current debates about women preaching is rooted in part in both the Catholic and the Reformed traditions of “preaching” which see such as a specific form of formal congregational instruction that is … Continue reading

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A Great Host of Women Preaching

“The Lord giveth the word: The women that publish the tidings are a great host.” Psalms 68:11 RV1885 As I’ve been feverishly working to complete my conference paper for the Society for Pentecostal Studies (Titled: “‘Until I, Deborah, Arose’ (Judges … Continue reading

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Bruce Gunderson: The Passing of a Pentecostal Preacher

I have gone back and forth about writing up a blog post about the passing of my father-in-law, Bruce William Gunderson (Nov. 17, 1948-Dec. 16, 2018), who died at home Sunday morning. I had been by his side for nearly … Continue reading

Posted in Pastor, Pentecostal | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

A Theology of the Spirit in the Former Prophets: A Pentecostal Perspective — PhD Thesis

I recently learned (thanks Daniel Isgrigg) that my PhD thesis “A Theology of the Spirit in the Former Prophets: A Pentecostal Perspective” is available free online through my doctoral alma mater: Bangor University, Wales. For those interested it can be … Continue reading

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Challenging Gendered Leadership in the Old Testament: A Webinar at Co-Laborate

HERE is a webinar I was invited to speak for at “Co-Laborate: Men & Women Together: Pentecostal Theology & Praxis” with host Dr. Debbie Fulthorp on Tuesday, July 31, 2018. I spoke on the topic “Challenging Gendered Leadership in the … Continue reading

Posted in Hermeneutics, Old Testament, Pentecostal, women, women in ministry | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Pentecostal Oral Liturgy

I’m taking a number of Trinity students to the annual meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies (hosted in Cleveland, TN this year) in a few weeks. Every Thursday for the last several months we’ve met for about a half … Continue reading

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Pentecostal "Schools": Cleveland (!) and Springfield (?)

Recently I was asked the following question via Facebook Messenger (see…Facebook can be useful and constructive): Do you see any differences between the “Springfield school” and “Cleveland School” of Pentecostalism? If so, what do you think they are? My response … Continue reading

Posted in Centre for Pentecostal Theology, Pentecostal, Society for Pentecostal Studies | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Walter Hollenweger Memoriam

It is with a heavy heart I announce that the Swiss Pentecostal scholar Walter Hollenweger passed away August 10, 2016. His contributions to Pentecostalism are profound. One finds him footnoted throughout Pentecostal journals, theses/dissertations (including my own) and monographs. His … Continue reading

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The Azusa Street Papers

One of my co-workers just found and gave me a copy of The Azusa Street Papers which is a reproduction of the thirteen issues of The Apostolic Faith (1906-1908) published by the Apostolic Faith Mission at Azusa Street (Los Angeles, … Continue reading

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