Category Archives: Pastor

More on Rural Churches

“Think Theology” has offered another thought provoking post on what is involved in rural pastoral work.  Specifically, Pastor Able Baker (in BC) has mentioned four things imperative (to my estimation) for successful rural pastoral ministry (HERE). The only thing I … Continue reading

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A Church I Can Believe In

A major issue in our western consumerist culture is that consumerist concerns are immediately applied to the way Church is viewed and practiced.  What can be offered for me?  What do I gain by being a part of this congregation?  … Continue reading

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A Dirty Secret About Me

Here it is… Wait for it… I LOVE pastoring and I love my congregation and I love my community!  Okay.  So that isn’t “dirty,” nor a “secret,” but it is about me. 🙂  I have found too often when speaking … Continue reading

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Pastoring Your Spouse

It is always a difficult thing to be your family’s only pastor. As if it weren’t difficult enough in relation to your children, you also are given the care of your spouse. In this regard, my wife is gone for … Continue reading

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The Discipline of Prayer Retreat

Jesus took his disciples away from the crowds to be alone with them…in prayer and fellowship…and he also went alone to be with His Father. (Luke 9:28; Matthew 14:23) This week I traveled to a neighboring town to spend a … Continue reading

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