Tag Archives: Biblical Studies

Re-Examining Pentecostal Readings of Female Characters in the Bible – SPS Symposium

I received the following great news yesterday that a symposium on “Re-Examining Pentecostal Readings of Female Characters in the Bible” has been approved for the 2019 Society for Pentecostal Studies annual meeting. Here are the details of the symposium: I … Continue reading

Posted in Biblical Studies, Society for Pentecostal Studies, women | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Rediscovering the Mission of God in Scripture

The following is what I will be presenting and handing out for a family camp I’m speaking at tomorrow morning. What would you say if you were asked to speak on the topic of giving a brief (hour and a … Continue reading

Posted in Christopher Wright, Mission of God, N. T. Wright | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments