Category Archives: Testimony

Thoughts in a Day: Some Reflections

It has been a full day (though many feel that way). It has also been a good day. I was just reflecting on some of the happenings of the day and the goodness of God through it all. A video … Continue reading

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What Is Your Story?

I don’t know about your church, but in mine we typically have an open testimony time (hey, we are Pentecostal after all). We like to tell our stories and that sure works well (sometimes not so much) in a post-modern … Continue reading

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Testimony as Embedded Proclamation

Here is a bit from one of my graduate students (used by Matt Payne with permission) on engaging postmodernism as a Pentecostal church and preacher. How does one engage those who, at best, question the notion of the meta-narrative? How … Continue reading

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Sneezing as a Testimony

This last Sunday I gave a testimony in church that may seem a little unusual (but hey…that is kind of my M.O.).  I thanked God that I sneezed this last weekend.  Everyone kind of laughed probably thinking (as you do) that … Continue reading

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