“He is a traitor who uses the Gospel as a threat to extract money…a hypocrite who uses the cross as a sword…a wolf disguised in a lamb’s skin…a glutton who adores the tables more than the altars…a gold hungry creature who runs after the rolling coin to the farthest land…a cheat who pilfers from widows and orphans. He is a monstrous being, with an eagle’s beak, a tiger’s claws, a hyena’s teeth, and viper’s fangs.” (Spiritual Sayings of Khalil Gibran p.60)
Talk about a message that needs to be heard by the many preachers who have taken to proclaiming another gospel…which seems to know nothing of poverty, sickness and suffering…of THE Crucified‘s life and the concomitant crucified life. Greed, gluttony, lies and manipulation do not belong to the Kingdom. God help us!
Not that sure that Khalis Gibran had the answers, be slow to judge Math 7:1, though there be only one Gospel it comes in many forms. Phil 1:15-8, Mark 9:38-40 Mathew 7:1-2 be slow to judgeNo I do not follow the properity doctine nor do I subscribe to the poverty doctrine. Blessings in Jesus name
Wayne,Thanks for the comments. I certainly agree that the Gospel may be presented in many ways which do not fit our tendency for an overly narrow preferred style of presentation. The issue is not one of simply judging, but one of a determination between that which is rightly the good news and that which isn't. Following even the likes of what Paul wrote about those who have perverted the gospel of Christ and even said concerning those individuals that they would be "eternally condemned" (Gal.1:6-9). What Jesus said concerning judging as recorded in Matthew 7:1-2 is actually further explained in Matthew 7:3-6 which describes actually helping a brother who has a speck in his eye (once one has dealt with the plank in their own), and of a determination of those who might be "dogs" or "pigs" and not giving them what they will simply reject and use against you. In other words, there is a call to determine and act upon right judgment, but not to be judgmental towards others. Be merciful, but do not be deceived into thinking that there is no room for judging right from wrong.What do you make of Luke's "sermon on the plain" where he says that the "poor" and those who "hunger now" are blessed? He doesn't give this sermon in as spiritualized a manner as Matthew records in his (ie, poor in spirit, hunger and thirst after righteousness, etc.). I would never preach a "poverty doctrine" (nor a prosperity one), but contentment in all things as we trust in the Lord in every way at all times.
Thank you for your hospitality Rick, yes a balanced view, is a good one. The main point I believe is we need to keep the Messiah Jesus as the main focus. I love Pauls writings he was such a humble servant even when he did dish out a chastising. If they preach salvation through faith in the works of Jesus and the need for a repentantance from sin, the rest I am not too fussed about and leave that for God to Judge. I have been able to reduce the log in my eye to half a tree trunk now, it does take work and effort eg head in Gods Word and time in Prayer.May God Bless and keep you amen.